The total number of INVL Technology shareholders reach more than 3,700. No shareholders have special control rights in the company. Shareholders who held title to more than 5 percent of shares and (or) voting rights as of 4 September 2024:
Name of the shareholder or company, company code, address | Number of shares held by the right of ownership | Share of the authorized capital held, % | Share of the votes,% | ||
Share of votes given by the shares held by right of ownership, % | Indirectly held votes, % | Total share of votes, % | |||
LJB investments, UAB, code 300822575, A. Juozapavičiaus Str. 9A, Vilnius | 2,424,152 | 19.91 | 19.91 | – | 19.91 |
Invalda INVL, AB, code 121304349, Gynėjų Str. 14, Vilnius | 1,873,678 | 15.39 | 15.39 | 1,83* | 17.22 |
Irena Ona Mišeikienė | 1,466,421 | 12.04 | 12.04 | – | 12.04 |
Lietuvos draudimas, AB, code 110051834, J. Basanavičiaus Str. 12, Vilnius | 909,090 | 7.47 | 7.47 | – | 7.47 |
Kazimieras Tonkūnas | 675,452 | 5.55 | 5.55 | 1.52** | 7.07 |
Alvydas Banys | 618,745 | 5.08 | 5.08 | 19.91*** | 24.99 |
* It is considered that Invalda INVL has votes of its subsidiary INVL Asset Management, UAB (accordingly 1.83%).
**It is considered that Kazimieras Tonkunas has the votes of his spouse.
***It is considered that Alvydas Banys has votes of LJB Investments, UAB a company controlled by him.