Share Information

ISIN code LT0000128860
LEI code 5299006UHD9X339RUR46
Name INC1L
Exchange AB Nasdaq Vilnius, XLIT
List Secondary list
Authorized capital (EUR) 3,530,843.09
Nominal value EUR 0.29
Shares issued, units 12,175,321
Total voting rights granted by the issued shares, units 12,009,566
Date of the beginning of listing 4 June 2014*

* The company was created in early 2015 after the merger of the asset management and information technology businesses INVL Technology AB and BAIP group AB. The new company assumed all the rights and obligations of INVL Technology AB.

INVL Technology net asset value and stock information

Title Net asset value of the company (thousands of EUR) Net asset value per share, EUR
08-07-2015* 20,089 1.65
31-12-2015** 24,243 1.99
14-07-2016*** 23,906 1.96
31-12-2016 19,728 1.62
31-12-2017 23,812 1.96
31-12-2018 28,025 2.30
31-12-2019 28,958 2.38
31-12-2020 33,725 2.77
31-12-2021 36,125 2.99
31-12-2022 38,270 3.17
31-12-2023 43,529 3.61

*During the secondary public offering (SPO), finalized on 8 July 2015, the Company has issued 6,060,607 new Shares with the final offer price of EUR 1.65 each, the Company has raised over EUR 10 million. Net asset value as of 8 July 2015 equals offer price times shares outstanding as at 8 July 2015.
**The total equity of the Company of 31 December 2015 was EUR 24,243 thousand.
***Start of CEF activities. The total equity of the Company of 14 June 2016 was EUR 23,906 thousand. Net asset value is equals to the total equity of the Company.


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