Legal Documents

  • CEF documents
  • Articles of Association

    Articles of Association of the special closed-ended type private capital investment company INVL Technology, registered on 20 February 2023.

  • Prospectus


    INVL Technology (hereinafter – the Company) informs that under the provision of the Law on Collective Investment Undertakings of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter – CIU), the Company operating under the CIU is under an obligation to have a valid prospectus (hereinafter – the Prospectus) prepared in accordance with the requirements of the CIU or of the Law on Securities of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter – LS).

    In order to meet the above-mentioned requirement, in August 2019 the Company’s management company INVL Asset Management, UAB (hereinafter – the Management company) prepared a Prospectus in compliance with CIU. Considering that at the time of publication of the information there are no grounds that the Company should prepare and own a prospectus complying with the requirements of the LS, on 5 February 2025, the Management company of the Company approved the updated version of the Prospectus and approved its publication.

    The Prospectus was submitted to the Bank of Lithuania in accordance with the CIU.

    INVL Technology Prospectus

    For more information please visit Company’s announcement of material event


    INVL Technology (hereinafter – the Company) informs that under the provision of the Law on Collective Investment Undertakings of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter – CIU), the Company operating under the CIU is under an obligation to have a valid prospectus (hereinafter – the Prospectus) prepared in accordance with the requirements of the CIU or of the Law on Securities of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter – LS).

    In order to meet the above-mentioned requirement, in August 2019 the Company’s management company INVL Asset Management, UAB (hereinafter – the Management company) prepared a Prospectus in compliance with CIU. Considering that at the time of publication of the information there are no grounds that the Company should prepare and own a prospectus complying with the requirements of the LS, on 2 February 2024, the Management company of the Company approved the updated version of the Prospectus and approved its publication.

    The Prospectus was submitted to the Bank of Lithuania in accordance with the CIU.

    INVL Technology Prospectus

    For more information please visit Company’s announcement of material event

    INVL Technology (hereinafter – the Company) informs that under the provision of the Law on Collective Investment Undertakings of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter – CIU), the Company operating under the CIU is under an obligation to have a valid prospectus (hereinafter – the Prospectus) prepared in accordance with the requirements of the CIU or of the Law on Securities of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter – LS).

    In order to meet the above-mentioned requirement, in August 2019 the Company’s management company INVL Asset Management, UAB (hereinafter – the Management company) prepared a Prospectus in compliance with CIU. Considering that at the time of publication of the information there are no grounds that the Company should prepare and own a prospectus complying with the requirements of the LS, on 8 March 2023, the Management company of the Company approved the updated version of the Prospectus and approved its publication.

    The Prospectus was submitted to the Bank of Lithuania in accordance with the CIU.

    INVL Technology Prospectus.pdf 

    For more information please visit Company’s announcement of material event.

    INVL Technology (hereinafter – the Company) informs that under the provision of the Law on Collective Investment Undertakings of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter – CIU), the Company operating under the CIU is under an obligation to have a valid prospectus (hereinafter – the Prospectus) prepared in accordance with the requirements of the CIU or of the Law on Securities of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter – LS).

    In order to meet the above-mentioned requirement, in September 2019 the Company’s management company INVL Asset Management, UAB (hereinafter – the Management company) prepared a Prospectus in compliance with CIU. Considering that at the time of publication of the information there are no grounds that the Company should prepare and own a prospectus complying with the requirements of the LS, on 22 December 2022, the Management company of the Company approved the updated version of the Prospectus and approved its publication.

    The Prospectus was submitted to the Bank of Lithuania in accordance with the CIU.

    INVL Technology Prospectus.pdf 

    For more information please visit Company’s announcement of material event.

    INVL Technology (hereinafter – “the Company”) informs that taking into account provisions of the Law on Collective Investment Undertakings of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter – “CIU”), the Company operating under the CIU is under an obligation to have a valid prospectus (hereinafter – “the Prospectus”) prepared in accordance with the requirements of the CIU or of the Law on Securities of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter – “LS”).

    The Prospectus of the Company was prepared according to the provisions of CIU and was approved by the management company INVL Asset Management, UAB (hereinafter – “the Management Company”) in August 2019. Taking into account the fact that at the time of publication of the information there is no ground that the Company should prepare and own a Prospectus complying with the requirement of the LS, the Company in order to meet the said requirement prepared a renewed version of the Prospectus in compliance with the CIU. The Company’s management company INVL Asset Management, UAB approved the Prospectus and approved its publication on 24 March 2021.

    The Prospectus was submitted to the Bank of Lithuania in accordance with the Law on Managers of Alternative Investment Undertakings of the Republic of Lithuania.

    INVL Technology Prospectus.pdf 

    For more information please visit Company’s announcement of material event.

    INVL Technology (hereinafter may be referred as the Company) informs that taking into account provisions of the Law on Collective Investment Undertakings of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter – CIU), the Company operating under the CIU is under an obligation to have a valid prospectus (hereinafter – the Prospectus) prepared in accordance with the requirements of the CIU or of the Law on Securities of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter – LS).

    The Prospectus prepared by the Company according to CIU was approved by INVL Asset Management, UAB in August 2019. Taking into account the fact that at the time of publication of the information there is no ground that the Company should prepare and own a Prospectus complying with the requirement of the LS, the Company in order to meet the said requirement prepared a renewed version of the Prospectus in compliance with thee CIU. The Company’s management company INVL Asset Management, UAB approved the Prospectus and approved its publication on 9 June 2020.

    The Prospectus was submitted to the Bank of Lithuania in accordance with the Law on Managers of Alternative Investment Undertakings of the Republic of Lithuania, Article 40 (9).

    For more information please visit Company’s announcement of material event.

    On 23 August 2019 INVL Technology (hereinafter may be referred as the Company) informs that the new version of the Law on Collective Investment Undertakings of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter – CIU) came into force. The Company operating under the CIU is under an obligation to have a valid prospectus (hereinafter – the Prospectus) prepared in accordance with the requirements of the CIU or of the Law on Securities of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter – LS).

    Taking into account that at the time of publication of the information there are no grounds that the Company should prepare and own a prospectus complying with the requirements of the LS, the Company in order to meet the said requirement, prepared a Prospectus in compliance with CIU. The Prospectus complies with the format and content requirements according to CIU. The Prospectus was submitted to the Bank of Lithuania in accordance with the Law on Managers of Alternative Investment Undertakings of the Republic of Lithuania, article 40 (9).

    For more information please visit Company’s announcement of material event.

    On 18 July 2016, the director of the Supervision Service of the Bank of Lithuania, by decision No. 241-153, approved the prospectus for admission to trading on the Nasdaq Vilnius AB securities exchange (hereinafter – the Prospectus) of the ordinary shares of the special closed-ended type private capital investment company INVL Technology (hereinafter – the Company).

    The purpose of the approved Prospectus is admission of all the issued ordinary registered shares of the Company to trading on Nasdaq Vilnius AB in light of the fact that the central bank of the Republic of Lithuania on 14 July 2016 granted the a closed-ended type investment company license.
    Before the issuance of the closed-ended type investment company license, all the shares of the Company were listed and traded on the Secondary List of Nasdaq Vilnius AB. Following issuance of the license, no new shares of the Company were issued. The company prepared this document, however, in consideration the changed status of the Company and the aim of having its shares listed on the regulated market.

    You can get acquainted with all the information equivalent to an issue prospectus in the material event announcement of 18 July 2016.