Enlight Research sketches possible scenarios for sale of INVL Technology

Enlight Research updated its analysis of INVL Technology, a company that invests in IT businesses, following the publication of operating results for the first half of 2024. The report also sketches possible scenarios for the sale of INVL Technology.

“INVL Technology’s shares have appreciated sharply on expectations that its calculated net asset value will be confirmed when the company divest (exits) holding companies. We expect the first exit to take place before the end of the year and the proceeds to be promptly distributed to shareholders,” Enlight Research analyst Mattias Wallander says when describing one of the scenarios.

INVL Technology owns and manages the cybersecurity company NRD Cyber Security, the GovTech company NRD Companies, and the Baltic IT company Novian. The company that invests in IT businesses announced that its equity and net asset value were both EUR 43.95 million at the end of June 2024, or EUR 3.6658 per share.

In mid-March this year, the company announced that it had signed an agreement with the Zurich branch of M&A intermediation service provider Corum Group’s Luxembourg-based unit Corum Group International, to advise and serve as M&A intermediary on the sale of the company’s portfolio of businesses.

INVL Technology, which is managed by INVL Asset Management, the leading alternative asset manager in the Baltics, is a closed-end investment company which must exit its investments no later than mid-July 2026 and distribute the money to shareholders.

Enlight Research provides private and institutional investors with equity research that they can use to form their own investment decisions. The company makes its reports available to all investors free of charge, also encouraging investors to use a range of research, both commissioned and traditional, to guide their investment decisions. Its senior analysts have at least 20 years of experience writing research reports.

The Enlight Research analysis commissioned by INVL Technology does not constitute investment research. The report was prepared for informational purposes and cannot be considered an offer to buy or sell shares. The responsibility for such a decision lies with the investor.

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